Plaid Phonics

Plaid Phonics is a trusted phonics resource with over 50 years of success in the classroom. Explicit and systematic phonics instruction will help you improve students’ reading fluency and reading comprehension.

  • Provide explicit and systematic phonics instruction to support the Science of Reading
  • Offer an abundance of phonics practice, review, and word-building opportunities
  • Integrate phonics skills with vocabulary, comprehension, writing, and critical thinking activities
  • Include multisensory activities for teaching the lesson’s skills to different learning styles
  • Stay on target with easy-to-use instructional plans

The systematic phonics scope and sequence sets a clear learning trajectory at each grade level.

  • Plaid Phonics improves reading fluency
  • Student Workbook
  • Teacher Resource Guide

Plaid Phonics improves reading fluency

Beginning with phonemic and phonological awareness, Plaid Phonics builds foundational phonetic skills in Grades K–3. At Grades 4–6, the instructional focus transitions from phonics to word study, integrating writing, spelling, reading, and vocabulary practice.


Student Workbook

A consumable, full-color Student Workbook is available for Grades K–6. Organized by thematic units, the lessons are flexible and easy-to-personalize based on learning needs. Students generally complete 3–6 lessons per week.


Teacher Resource Guide

A spiral bound Teacher Resource Guide at each grade level features a detailed scope and sequence, unit themes, and instructional plans for every lesson. Lessons include a quick planner, skills objective, background, activities, and explicit instruction for the skill being taught. Pre-tests, post-tests, and an answer key are provided.


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Find out how Plaid Phonics can help improve students' fluency and comprehension.

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