Savvas Momentum Assessment Suite

It’s simple physics: gain momentum, and you’re hard to stop. When you boost students’ progress with the right information, encouragement, and support, they can embrace the joy of learning and pursue their curiosity. Add Momentum Assessments to your curriculum and accelerate student learning.

Our approachable, accurate assessments: 

  • Help educators identify student learning gaps and target instruction effectively.
  • Integrate with the Savvas Realize® platform for seamless data collection and norm-referenced assessment for Grades K-8.
  • Include Screener and Diagnostic Assessments for Grades K-8 Mathematics and Literacy, featuring multistage adaptive technology.
  • Support teachers in addressing individual learning needs with data-driven insights and standards-based instructional recommendations.
  • Include a new, interactive Dyslexia Screener led by a friendly avatar named Max.


Support Student Progress with Personalized Recommendations

Accelerate student growth and promote student progress with the Savvas Momentum Assessment Suite.


Field Tested and Validated

Developed in association with WestEd and UTHealth Houston, each item has been validated through field testing, creating an accurate, fair, and equitable assessment suite.

• Industry recognized experts
• Proprietary, valid assessments
• Norm-referenced diagnostics


Adaptive Assessments Reduce Test Time

The adaptive format of the diagnostics limits time spent on testing while improving test reliability. Schools can administer adaptive assessments flexibly when having a norm-referenced snapshot of student progress is most relevant and effective throughout the year.


Comprehensive View of Student Learning

In-depth views of student learning are available by school, class, and student. Track performance and use data to enhance instruction.


Personalized Recommendations to Achieve Success

Diagnostic results provide relative strengths, areas of improvement, and stretch goals along with associated standards and aligned instructional resources. Recommendations include assignable, personalized learning resources for every student. Watch Video.

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