“The portal is user-friendly for students to navigate, see their grades and receive feedback instantly.”
Janiece Davis, Teacher - Broward County Public Schools
Teachers need engaging, easy-to-use digital content and classroom management features that enrich and support critical instruction time. Savvas Realize® is your user-friendly digital home for more than 1,000 interactive Savvas programs.
Realize provides everything in one place. Educators can access and assign engaging program content with time-saving tools for rostering, instruction, and evaluating assignments.
Realize provides easy access to Savvas standards-aligned instruction, learning resources, student rosters, and classroom management tools.
The streamlined Realize dashboard helps teachers easily customize lesson plans, comment on student work, review mastery data, and launch and track assignments.
Realize is 1EdTech Certified. It seamlessly integrates with edtech systems in schools and districts. Auto-rostering and single sign-on for users make for easy access.
Interactive digital content, videos, animations, games, and adaptive resources make student learning experiences engaging and personalized.
Everything is at your fingertips. Find the content you want right away.
Administrators can customize and share assessments across a school.
Save time and stay organized with convenient teacher resources within each lesson.
Stay organized, save time, and improve student outcomes.
Students can access the Realize Reader online or offline.
Realize content works with your school’s systems. New integrations via LTI-A standards include Safari Montage, Agilix Buzz, and D2L Brightspace.
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Realize seamlessly links to Google Classroom. See how easy it is.
Does your school use Canvas? Here’s how Realize syncs to your LMS.
Explore how Realize easily integrates with Schoology.
Add Savvas content, assignments, and activities seamlessly to your Buzz course.
For Administrators
For Teachers
For Administrators
For Teachers
For Administrators
For Teachers
MySavvasTraining.com offers 24/7 comprehensive, self-paced Realize training for teachers and administrators. From getting started to making assignments and student performance analysis, Savvas has you covered.
The Realize Digital User Guide is a simplified, self-paced guide to help teachers get started mastering all the basics.
Tired of managing multiple platforms? Add your Savvas course content right into your existing LMS with industry-leading integrations.
Our Parents’ Corner gives helpful tips and easy-to-understand guidance for using Realize. Get families involved in their students‘ learning.
Savvas provides customer service and technical support (included with purchase) via phone and email. We employ professional staff to assist our customers:
Savvas Realize provides real-time student and class data, including standards mastery and overall progress. Access is role-based for analyzing student progress through on-demand reports at the test level, student level, or whole-class view to assist in making instructional decisions. These roles include:
Yes, we build our systems with federal laws—such as the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)—in mind, and we train our customers and employees in maintaining systems for compliance.
The Savvas Learning Company Privacy Policy describes how we collect, protect, use, and share personal information gathered from users of our websites, applications, products, and services.