Experience Science Elementary Science Curriculum
- Phenomena-based
- Three-dimensional learning
- Student-centered explorations
- NGSS Designed
5E Science Engages Students in Real-World Phenomena
Experience Science makes science fun, inclusive, and hands-on. A team of scientists and content experts created the activities, videos, and songs to give you flexibility and save you time.
Timely Teacher Support
Prepare for classroom instruction with flexible planning, background, and prep videos.
Dynamic Digital Tools
Click, interact, and learn with a variety of purposeful, standards-based, digital resources.
Station-Based Mini Lessons
Hands-on, Literacy, and STEAM Activities provide active sensemaking opportunities.
Elementary Science Curriculum that Engages and Motivates All Learners
Multilingual Learners
Multimodal Learners
Target Student Learning-
ContentExperience Science presents clear learning objectives in each Topic and Experience to target student learning. Differentiated Instruction boxes provide modification suggestions to support multiple levels. In addition, students are exposed to grade-level content in multiple ways such as hands-on experiences, reading, videos, teacher presentations, and digital interactivities.
Experience Science utilizes hands-on stations and a variety of digital tools to engage visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners. All multisensory learners are able to interact in classroom conversations, collaborate in small groups, and connect to content in meaningful ways.
View Stations
Students demonstrate their understanding of science phenomena by creating models, documenting their hands-on experiences in their Student Activity Companion, and communicating their solutions to real-world problems through presentations and science writings.
EnvironmentExperience Science helps you create a flexible environment to transform learning. Classroom Instruction can be administered with a mixture of whole group or small group activities and delivered in print, digital, or blended formats. In addition, teacher prompts and the partnership with walkSTEM® allow teachers to take students outside the classroom to build science enthusiasm, curiosity, and skills.
Multilingual Learners
Develop Language Proficiency-
Multilingual SupportExperience Science integrates Multilingual Learner (MLL) Strategies specific to the content within the Experience and addresses multiple levels of language proficiency levels. The program also includes guidance for linguistic accommodations (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded).
Writing and Vocabulary Support
The Student Activity Companion creates an interactive workspace for students to record and reflect on their learning process through argumentative writing activities. In addition, students engage in strategic Vocabulary Builder and Experience Vocabulary Activities to strengthen their ability to use academic language in classroom discussions and in their scientific writing exercises.
Student Collaboration and ConversationsMultiple opportunities for student collaboration and science discourse are provided within Experience Science. From the initial Topic kickoff of the Everyday Phenomena to the Experience or Topic wrap-ups, teacher prompts encourage classroom discussions and small group interactions.
Multimodal Learners
Create a Multisensory Experience-
Multidimensional LearningExperience Science exposes content to learners in multiple ways. Short reading passages, writing activities, inquiry projects, technology, collaboration, hands-on activities, and games all play an important role in providing rich, multidimensional learning experiences.
Different Learning StylesStudents access content utilizing a number of senses — visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic — to make connections and transfer knowledge to long-term memory recall.
Multiple Assessment MethodsA variety of assessments provide meaningful insights into student understanding and progress. . These assessments include multiple Exit Tickets in each Experience, Lesson Quizzes, writing prompts, and performance assessments. Each of these appeals to a diverse classroom.
Additional Science Resources
STEM On-Demand
Blogs and Podcasts
Phenomena Posters
Author Inspiration Posters
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Engage in the Real-World
Download posters and slide decks to engage students in quick, real-world phenomena and standards-based activities.
Inspire Learning and Innovation
Inspire your students with compelling ideas. Download and display the Experience Science Authors Posters in your classroom.
- Jesse Wilcox >
- Heather Domjan >
- Shelly Forsythe >
- Terrance Burgess >
- Sophia Garcia >
- Maria Arreguin >
- Almitra Berry >
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Frequently Asked Questions About Experience Science
What is Experience Science?Experience Science, an NGSS aligned program, rings science concepts to life, creating dynamic, motivating, and interactive experiences for today’s K-5 classrooms. This hands-on, station-based curriculum supports 3-dimensional learning and is flexible enough to fit into any classroom situation.
What are the components of Experience Science?
Teacher Guide includes content background and teacher prep support. Topic and Experience (Lesson) instruction is streamlined and provides time stamps to ease planning. The Topic Planner provides a comprehensive and fast-track plan for flexibility of implementation.
Student Activity Companion provides a compilation of activity pages for students to record their sensemaking process. Includes vocabulary support, hands-on STEAM, and literacy activity sheets.
Literacy Station Activity - Students work individually or in groups as they explore the Read About It, identify and explore new academic vocabulary, and exercise comprehension with application activities.
Read About It highlights Topic level vocabulary to support students in developing understanding of the word in context of the content. Included in the margin are vocabulary “tips and tricks” students can activate to develop meaning.
Bilingual Vocabulary Cards help students organize and master vocabulary from the Topic. Students can work in pairs to review words and definitions or use these cards individually as a student tool during the course of the topic. Editable and printable cards are available on SavvasRealize.com.
Hands-on and STEAM Station Activities - Students work individually or in groups to explore science phenomena, gather and analyze data, and establish an explanation. Here students engage fully in the integrated Scientific and Engineering Practices.
The Digital Course on Savvas Realize® provides videos, interactivities, teacher presentations, assessments, and more.
Does Savvas offer STEM resources for science educators and students?
Experience Science integrates a variety of STEM digital and print activities to encourage students to make content connections across science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This includes hands on labs, virtual labs, and other activities.
Savvas Learning Company features Virtual STEM Fairs several times a year to highlight STEM careers and STEM activities and lessons. All live sessions are recorded and then posted to the library of on-demand presentations. Access all upcoming and previous Virtual STEM Fair presentations at savvas.com/virtualstemfair.
How can I receive an Experience Science demo or sample?Please request digital demo access by completing the demo request form and your account manager will reach out to you promptly.
Where can I receive support for my digital access?Take a step-by-step tour at My Savvas Training. For additional digital platform questions or issues, please reach out to technical support at 800-848-9500 or contact us.
What is Savvas Realize® and what does it offer?Savvas Realize is our award-winning K-12 digital platform which houses over 1,000 instructional programs. Realize is 1EdTech certified, so it seamlessly integrates with leading school technology such as Google Classroom™, Schoology®, and Canvas®. Learn More.